It aims to be simple and fast at what it does.

It is capable both of mimicking “real” media all the way to producing very “digital” style artwork. Paint Window comes with a large brush collection, more important that the highly configurable brush engine allows you to experiment with your own brushes with not-quite-natural painting. Eraser tool to correct possible mistakes. Import images or photos from your device and draw over your photos. Various types of high-quality natural brushes: brush, pencil, pen, airbrush, watercolor brush, chalk, charcoal, neon pens, special effect pens. You can enjoy it or re-edit it during the playback.

Previous painting and undo action was saved. Paint Window is a unique painting application designed to create images and playback the whole painting process. Paint Window is the most fun you can have with your finger! It's for everyone-from the serious artist to someone just starting out. Special Rainbow colors and brush effects! Having said that, Paintbrush is a basic illustration tool, and as long as that's the way you want to use it, it's great at that task.Draw amazing sketches using our hand picked. Paintbrush is easy to work with, and if you work on multiple platforms it is handy to have a familiar tool on both Windows and Mac.
It is also good at importing screenshots and highlighting areas or manipulating the image. While not as powerful as third-party illustration tools, Paintbrush can do many basic illustrations. Paintbrush is all freehand art, although there are the traditional handles for things like circles and rectangles. It takes only a few seconds to select a tool and draw with it. If you've worked with Paint, Paintbrush looks and behaves the same. The Paintbrush interface is very simple, with a floating menu with basic tools selectable for drawing on the left, and a menu bar at the top. Paintbrush is easy to install and can support BMP, PNG, JPEG, and GIF files. Paintbrush is a Cocoa-based painting and illustrating program for the Mac, very similar to the Paint application on Windows.